SKU Ninja Rich Media CMS makes it quick and easy to upload videos to your product detail pages.
- PDP - a Product Detail Page on
- CMS - Content Management System
- Rich Media - enhanced content you can add to your PDPs on, via SKU Ninja Rich Media CMS (i.e. video)
- Rich Media Module - a module consists of the rich media you created and its associated product detail pages (i.e. one video assigned to 5 different PDPs)
- Verify that your product detail page(s) is (are) live on the retailer site.
- If you haven't already, upload your item list into SKU Ninja (You should see a prompt the first time you log in to SKU Ninja, or if you’re an existing user, use the “Add Products” button).
- Format your assets to ensure that they meet Walmart specifications.
Following are step-by-step instructions for creating a Rich Media Module and submitting it for publication on your product page(s).
Module Setup (Step 1):
- Log in to SKU Ninja.
- Go to > Content > Rich Media CMS (if you are a Rich Media only subscriber, you will be routed directly to Rich Media CMS).
- Click the green “Add New Module” button.
- Choose the product detail page(s) you would like to update.
- Select the module type you would like to create.
- Enter the Rich Media Module Title, and click "Next."
How to Create A Video
- Complete Module Setup (Step 1).
If you do not already have a VTT script, you will need to create one.
- VTT (video talk track) files look like text documents and include the time stamp associated with the words being spoken in the video.
- The VTT script allows viewers to follow along visually.
- If you do not have a VTT file, one of many options for creating your VTT file is Happy Scribe.
- On the next screen (Step 2), drag and drop your .MP4 video or browse to upload your video.
- Give your video a title (this title will be visible to shoppers).
- Add a closed caption script in the form of a . VTT file (required).
- Drag and drop or click to upload a thumbnail for your video. It will appear after the shopper clicks to view your video.
Once you have reviewed your work, you can choose one of the following options from the toolbar that is located on the right side of the screen.
- Back Button – returns you to the Rich Media Page to view, edit or publish your modules.
- Save Button – allows you to save your work. Save early and save often!
- Preview Button – allows you to view your module on a sharable preview page. You can share the URL with colleagues to gain their feedback and/or approval.
- Publish Button - allows you to submit your module to QA for review. Once approved, QA will submit your module for publication to Walmart within 48 business hours (M-F)..
PLEASE NOTE: When you upload videos via SKU Ninja, any existing videos on your product detail pages will be replaced. If you want to retain your original videos, you will need to include them when updating your product detail pages in SKU Ninja.
How to Create a Feature Set
- Complete Module Setup (Step 1).
- On the next screen (Step 2) you may either choose a template to get a head start on building your feature set or create a custom feature set from scratch.
- Choose “Add Content Type” to select the type of content for each section. Each section may contain Text, Image, or Video assets.
- Click the yellow menu button at the top right corner of each section to change the type of content, adjust its size, or delete the section. You may also adjust the section’s size by clicking and dragging the black arrow in its bottom right corner.
- Choose “Add Section” to add a new section to your feature set. When you create a new section, you’ll have the option to add columns with multiple containers of various sizes.
Once you have reviewed your work, you can choose one of the following options from the toolbar that is located on the right side of the screen.
- Back Button – returns you to the Rich Media Page to view, edit or publish your modules.
- Save Button – allows you to save your work. Save early and save often!
- Preview Button – allows you to view your module on a sharable preview page. You can share the URL with colleagues to gain their feedback and/or approval.
- Publish Button - allows you to submit your module to QA for review. Once approved, QA will submit your module for publication to Walmart within 48 business hours (M-F).
How to Create a 360 View
- Complete Module Setup (Step 1).
- On the next screen (Step 2) drag and drop your image files or upload them to SKU Ninja.
- You can view and easily rearrange the order of each image in your 360 view.
- Once you have uploaded your images, you can preview your 360 View in this box.
- You can use the buttons below the 360 View to step forward, step backward, or play the 360 spin.
Once you have reviewed your work, you can choose one of the following options from the toolbar that is located on the right side of the screen.
- Back Button – returns you to the Rich Media Page to view, edit or publish your modules.
- Save Button – allows you to save your work. Save early and save often!
- Preview Button – allows you to view your module on a sharable preview page. You can share the URL with colleagues to gain their feedback and/or approval.
- Publish Button - allows you to submit your module to QA for review. Once approved, QA will submit your module for publication to Walmart within 48 business hours (M-F).
How to Create A Comparison Table
- Complete Module Setup (Step 1).
- On the next screen (Step 2) add products, sections, features, and rows to your comparison table.
- Upload an image for your Brand Logo, and enter Section Titles and Feature Titles in each column.
- Upload an image for each product to your comparison table, and enter a name, product URL, and a feature value for each feature in the left column.
Once you have reviewed your work, you can choose one of the following options from the toolbar that is located on the right side of the screen.
- Back Button – returns you to the Rich Media Page to view, edit or publish your modules.
- Save Button – allows you to save your work. Save early and save often!
- Preview Button – allows you to view your module on a sharable preview page. You can share the URL with colleagues to gain their feedback and/or approval.
Publish Button - allows you to submit your module to QA for review. Once approved, QA will submit your module for publication to Walmart within 48 business hours (M-F).
How to Create an Interactive Tour
- Complete Module Setup (Step 1).
- On the next screen (Step 2) drag an image file or click here to add the first image to your interactive tour. When you add an image, your first hotspot will be added to the top left corner of the image. Click and drag the hotspot to the point on the image you want to caption.
Enter the content for each of your hotspots.
- Each image may contain up to 6 hotspots.
Once you have reviewed your work, you can choose one of the following options from the toolbar that is located on the right side of the screen.
- Back Button – returns you to the Rich Media Page to view, edit or publish your modules.
- Save Button – allows you to save your work. Save early and save often!
- Preview Button – allows you to view your module on a sharable preview page. You can share the URL with colleagues to gain their feedback and/or approval.
- Publish Button - allows you to submit your module to QA for review. Once approved, QA will submit your module for publication to Walmart within 48 business hours (M-F).
How to Add Documents
- Complete Module Setup (Step 1).
- On the next screen (Step 2) drag and drop your document, or browse your device to upload your document.
- Give your document a title (this title will be visible to shoppers).
- Drag an image or click here to upload a thumbnail image for your document.
Once you have reviewed your work, you can choose one of the following options from the toolbar that is located on the right side of the screen.
- Back Button – returns you to the Rich Media Page to view, edit or publish your modules.
- Save Button – allows you to save your work. Save early and save often!
- Preview Button – allows you to view your module on a sharable preview page. You can share the URL with colleagues to gain their feedback and/or approval.
- Publish Button - allows you to submit your module to QA for review. Once approved, QA will submit your module for publication to Walmart within 48 business hours (M-F).
How to Create an FAQ
- Complete Module Setup (Step 1).
- On the next screen (Step 2) enter a question and add an answer. Answers may include text and/or a video or image.
- Questions may be arranged by dragging the bar at the top, and deleted with the “x” in the top right corner.
- Answer segments may contain three content types: text, images and videos. You can delete or rearrange your content in the same way as the questions.
- Click on “+”, and you’ll be asked which type of content you want to add. For text, click “Text.” If you want to add an image or video, click “Asset.” From there, you can drag and drop or click to upload a file.
- If desired, you may continue to add FAQs, up to a maximum of 25.
Once you have reviewed your work, you can choose one of the following options from the toolbar that is located on the right side of the screen.
- Back Button – returns you to the Rich Media Page to view, edit or publish your modules.
- Save Button – allows you to save your work. Save early and save often!
- Preview Button – allows you to view your module on a sharable preview page. You can share the URL with colleagues to gain their feedback and/or approval.
- Publish Button - allows you to submit your module to QA for review. Once approved,QA will submit your module for publication to Walmart within 48 business hours (M-F).
How to Check Rich Media Publication Status
As Rich Media modules are created and updated, SKU Ninja will display module status updates on the Rich Media Home Page to help you track progress.
PLEASE NOTE: all Rich Media modules must go through a Q/A process, prior to being published to Once approved, it may take up to 48 business hours for your Rich Media module to appear on the product page. Please do not attempt to republish during this time.
Rich Media FAQs
How do I add one Rich Media module to multiple pages? When you are creating a new rich media module, you may use the multiple select feature to add your module to multiple product pages.
How do I add multiple Rich Media modules to one page? When creating each of the modules, select the page you would like to enhance. Ensure that you are selecting the same page across all of the modules.
How do I delete Rich Media modules? If you created a rich media module and would like to delete it, just send a ticket to for assistance. Please be sure to include the company name and module (or list of modules) to be deleted, when submitting a request.
Can I change the order of my Rich Media modules on the retailer page? Currently, it is not possible to change the order of your Rich Media modules on via SKU Ninja. Videos live above the fold, and the other Rich Media module types live below the fold.
How do I add Rich Media to product pages that are not yet live on the retailer site? To add a rich media module to your product page, the page must first be live on the retailer site. If not, please contact your retailer.
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